Thursday, January 15, 2009

hey guys this place is still dangerous and actually reminding me a lot of that one time i was lost in russia. Like this one time when this bunny rabbit told me it was russian tradition to fondle me. And i guess the following pen-to-the-neck threat is the brazilian social equivalent??

Held at ball-point

and like this one time in Russia when this girl tried to push me into the ocean

and here some girl push me off a bridge

and the food. the spread there was very minimalist but salty to perfection

here idk i guess i get more bang 4my buckk

there: the grafiti was fruity and made me want to die

here: suggests i should die

ANd my oh my... there still are PLENTY of posers


vanessa said...

i am so jealous.

Life On The Flipside said...

Poke me in the neck!

kelly-inkagoshima said...

You can't escape the posers! When are you making your Brazilian address public? I miss you hella, wish we could have oatmeal for breakfast together!