I eat a lot of food here. A lotta meat, a lotta pastries and a lot of questionable things. Here is my first meal.
here is larping country
here is a russian larper probs
i have multiple mini golf cravings throughout the day
here is me modeling with a russian monument. Monumental, ey?
a lotta times i get frustrated because i can't speak to anyone and cannot read anything. But check out these Russian babes I met. Here we are outside a church. we had to cover our hair and i made them pose! It took a lot of patience and time, trying to convey the message. the last one on the right didn't get the memo.
wait, who was that guy in the green cape? larper what?
I miss you. keep blogging. and try not to get in any car accidents. judging by your eye witness accounts, and that photo documentation you've provided, they might be a "hit and run" kind of nation...no?
I like this blog very much especially the posing Russian chicks. You are having an exceptional time. We miss you here. Dave keeps asking when you are coming back.
David at Library!
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